Thursday, March 11, 2010

People's Awareness Coalition

Of all the well meaning organizations that my daughter and I have researched over the past couple years, the PAC group is the only one that offers a solution that WORKS! Listen to the past episodes of discussions regarding vital issues (before passing judgement) .... A wealth of information.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For your consideration

Are you fed up yet? Had enough of the government's hand in your pocket; and your life ... I do hope you will watch the clip with this posting. Please take a look and listen to the clips in the 'archives' .

Over the past few months, my daughter and I have continued to research and try to keep up with all the things that Congress (and others involved) have been sliding through; while we all could do nothing.

I used to think that the letter writing campaigns to our elected officials had an impact on the way they represented us. Not so! When Congress and the President will not even acknowledge that they have and are violating the Constitution ... do you think they are going to be swayed by a letter writing campaign. I think NOT!

If you are new to this area of research, you may find it beneficial to be aware of a 'givens' ...

Many, many of our Representatives, Congressmen and the media are members of the CFR, Trilateral and the Bilderberg group. Until I started my own research, I had never heard of these groups.

The CFR is 'Council on Foreign Relations'. The bottom line is that their main goal is 'one world government'. While reading the book, Financial Terrorism by John McManus; during the Clinton administration, there were close to 400 members of Congress; and the political body that were members of the CFR. The CFR has an extremely long list of members. Most of the 'mainstream' media are members. That is the main reason you will not hear the real news here. So as not to put words in anyone's mouth, I will say it ... Mainstream media is bought and paid for; as are the printed media.

Until I started to doing my own research, I had not even considered 'who' told Congress what to do. They are only puppets! Puppets controlled by the Federal Reserve System. The craziest part of all of this is that the Federal Reserve System is not even a government entity. They are a cartel, of sorts.

Well, I can feel my blood pressure rising ... so, I will continue this post after I get a few hours sleep and a meal.

Until then ... I encourage you to visit the website, and learn about the Continental Congress 2009. It is winding down; as I speak. Naturally, you never heard anything about this on the local news or CNN or FOX!!

I will leave you with a chuckle! .. what is the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo? Bo has papers ... :- )) As you probably can guess, I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a supporter of the opposite party either. Their agenda is the same..... and it goes on and on and on ....

Continental Congress 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

New research; sad to say, it is not good news!

Let me preface this entry by saying ... it is not genealogy related! It is regarding research into the government ...

I really don't know how to 'jump into' this subject .... there is no 'gentle' way of saying this; but, the government IS OUT to bring the United States down ... and, so far is doing a good job. Friends, the house is on fire; and no one (in the government) seems to care. In fact, the government is the one who started it.

A few months ago, after several calls from my daughter, Karen ... saying, 'Mom, do you know what they are now trying to pass in Congress! At first, I think I just didn't want to consider what she was saying might be true. You can block things out of your mind for only so long; before the curiosity mechanism kicks in. Now, that I am checking things out for myself .... it is a scary road we are traveling on.

Karen spends a lot of time researching bills that are being passed in Congress. Every day, it is something new. Please take a moment to check out our Cochise Liberty Alliance at Thank you, Karen, for your efforts to inform the public what is going on ... in front of our very noses.

While in high school, history was not my favorite subject. I could never grasp the concept of wars or how changes came about in the government. Over the past few months, however, I have gotten an education in history! However, the things I have learned have never been; nor will they ever be taught in the local education system.

Since I am really pressed for time, I am placing here videos from 'youtube'. I am not suggesting to sit and watch them all at once. Please consider watching them though .... and be prepared to experience a variety of feelings .... hurt, resentment; and anger!

The following six clips are of Norman Dodd being interviewed by G Edward Griffen.

The following 12 clips are G Edward Griffen telling about the Federal Reserve System .. how it came into being; and the damage that has been done to our country.

The following clips are of Aaron Russo being interviewed by Peter Boyles

A few things I encourage you to check out for yourself:

CFR - Council on Foreign Relations - First, you should discover that the agenda for this organization is the One World government. You may (or may not) be shocked to learn that so many newscasters, newspapers and other notables are members of this group. Personally, the only one, so far, that I can put any stock into is Lou Dobbs.

Forget about hearing the truth in news broadcasts ... or in the newspapers. They all have been bought and paid for! Even CNN! For quite a while, I enjoyed listening to Kitty Pilgrim and David Gergen discuss the topics of the day .......... NO MORE ....... they both, along with so many of their working comrades are members of this group. I have an issue with someone trying to tell me what's going on in the world; knowing what their real agenda is.

Recently, I read the book by John McManus ... Financial Terrorism. Our country has been going down this treacherous road for many, many years. It all has been a plan ... and not one that benefits the American people. We are only pawns! Many of our Presidents have been and ARE members of this group. During the Bill Clinton years, there were almost 400 members of Congress and government departments being members of the CFR. There is just so much to know about this group that it cannot possibly be addressed in the time I have left to type tonight.

For those that know anything about the Communist Manifesto, you can see that we are already there. They just don't call it by that name!

In addition to the above, I encourage you to check out

Aaron Russo -
Aaron Russo -
Alex Jones Prison planet -
LaRouche Political Action Committee -

Mr Russo passed away recently. He had been a movie producer; and became friends with one of the Rockefellers. I can't remember if this topic is addressed in the above particular clips that I posted or not; but .........

The Women's Movement that took the country by storm ... was backed by the Rockefellers. Two reasons for this movement. First, here was a population that was not contributing to the tax system. With the many, many women that joined the workforce ... then and now .. this leaves the most important figure without mom or dad. With both parents out in the workforce, this means the younger children are placed in daycare and enter school at an early age .. thus being able to be indoctrinated at an early age. All of this is so sick! ... and this is our government.

In closing, I have three other clips to suggest ... type the name in the search engine

Mark Levin - Mark Levin is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host. Visit to learn more about Mark and his superior show. More great segments of his show are coming soon on this Youtube

I'm in the process of packing. We are going to Ohio to meet our newest granddaughter; and after a few days there, will be going on to Owsley and Breathitt County. We will not be returning home until the end of July ...

Until then ............... take care

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Unexpected Trip

Occasionally, we are forced to make room for interruptions into our daily activities. Welcomed or not, these interruptions are with us; forcing us to alter our schedule of daily events. Such was the case for me me Tuesday, July 8th.

Many times over the past few years, I have endured quite a few tumbles. Most, totally unexpected; and each time just getting back on my feet and brushing myself off. This was not the case on Tuesday!

As I got up from the couch; working my way into a standing position, the next thing I knew I was falling. As soon as my body made contact with the linoleum, I heard the 'pop'. My day, my week; and months to come have been altered in this one second.

The ambulance was here in just a matter of minutes. After replaying the past few minutes for the medics, I hear them say, 'now, we are going to have to move you to get you onto this inflatable sheet'. After what seemed like half an hour of trying to come up with a solution to moving me, I just gave in. The pain was next to excrutiating! I tried to 'zone myself out'. The medics carried out their part of the job. They had me on the guerney; and into the ambulance. The ride to the hospital was tolerable. I do want to say, the medics were very professional all the time.

My wait in the ER was not that long. I was given something for pain and IV fluids. I knew I would be having x-rays sometime before going to my room. Once again, probably within the hour, I found myself being placed on a table for x-rays. The pain was equal to what I had experienced with the medics. After the first x-ray was taken; and I was taken back to wait for my room, a technician comes and tells me we are going to have to go back to x-ray and have another one done, I begin to wonder how many times can I endure being moved before getting my problem resolved.

The doctor and the surgeon come in to see me after I am placed in a room. It is explained that surgery will be the next afternoon. They let me know what to expect; and that a lot of the recovery is dependant upon my reaction to the situation.

Surgery went well. I could hardly believe it when the nurses came in and said they would like to help me out of bed for a few minutes. Each time I got out of bed; whether to use the bedside commode or to sit in a chair; each time got easier.

Sunday afternoon, I was transferred to the Life Care Rehab Center a few blocks away. My goal, while here, would be to get back to a position where I could be at home; continue with therapy and take care of myself

Bright and early the next morning, the occupational and physical therapist were at my side; wanting to know when I wanted to do a variety of things. They did not waste any time getting me busy working with therapy. By the end of the day, I was in a routine of events.

I spent a total of nine days at Life Care; being discharged on Tuesday, July 22. I had been away from home for two weeks. For the most part, this was an experience. It opened my eyes also to a few issues ... which I will include in my next posting.

Monday, June 16, 2008


At 62 years of age, there are few remaining things that can be considered 'firsts' ... :- )) But, here I am .... doing something; that until the past few days had not given much thought about. The Blog! Sounds like something you would want to call the plumber or the exterminator for ... ha ha

If you find yourself reading this, you have no doubt visited the Stamper Family Project website; and know that genealogy is very important to me.

Since the Stamper-List and the Stamper Family Project-List are for genealogy communication, I have decided to use this venue to post my views .... on whatever is 'on my mind' from time to time.

I will begin by saying, for me I became involved in my family research shortly after purchasing my first computer nearly ten+ years ago. The research, the computer and the internet have gone hand in hand from the begining.

Just a little background information for those that might not know me personally ...... :- ))

I am the oldest of six children born to Jacie and Maxline Stamper Combs. I was born in Breathitt County, Kentucky ..... in the area of Morris Fork. Before reaching school age, my family moved to Franklin in Miami Township, Ohio. We lived here, in a four room house until I was 14 years of age. When my aunt and uncle moved from their home on Gephart Church Road in Miamisburg, my parents purchased their home. I lived here until I got married and moved away from home.

I attended all twelve grades at Miamisburg Schools; graduating in 1965. Miamisburg has the distinction of being the 'only' Miamisburg in the world. Also, every year Miamisburg Alumni has a reunion for each graduating class!

Growing up, my Stamper grandparents lived on Long's Creek in Breathitt County. My grandparents were Pearl and Lydia Gilbert Stamper. During the late 50's / early 60's, my grandparents traded property with my Grandmother's brother, Berry Gilbert in Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana.

Wilson and Lena Wilder Adams were the next and last house on Hogan Hill where my grandparents lived. This is where I met my future husband. He had come to visit his brother, whom was home on leave from the Army. It was love at first sight!!

Larry (and an older brother) had been adopted out earlier in their lives ..... this in itself is 'another' story. He was adopted by William Crozier and Susan Napier Ferguson of Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana.

Shortly after we were married, I remember my mom making mention of his biological parents; and saying she had went to school with his biological mother; while my mother's sister went to school with his adoptive mother.

This past June 4, Larry and I have been married 42 years! And they said it wouldn't last ... :- )) We have three children ... Karen, Bill and Josh. We have five grandchildren and 'one on the way'. We live about half an hour from our daughter. Our son, Bill is in Japan for a few years; and Josh just moved back to Ohio.

More later ......