Monday, June 16, 2008


At 62 years of age, there are few remaining things that can be considered 'firsts' ... :- )) But, here I am .... doing something; that until the past few days had not given much thought about. The Blog! Sounds like something you would want to call the plumber or the exterminator for ... ha ha

If you find yourself reading this, you have no doubt visited the Stamper Family Project website; and know that genealogy is very important to me.

Since the Stamper-List and the Stamper Family Project-List are for genealogy communication, I have decided to use this venue to post my views .... on whatever is 'on my mind' from time to time.

I will begin by saying, for me I became involved in my family research shortly after purchasing my first computer nearly ten+ years ago. The research, the computer and the internet have gone hand in hand from the begining.

Just a little background information for those that might not know me personally ...... :- ))

I am the oldest of six children born to Jacie and Maxline Stamper Combs. I was born in Breathitt County, Kentucky ..... in the area of Morris Fork. Before reaching school age, my family moved to Franklin in Miami Township, Ohio. We lived here, in a four room house until I was 14 years of age. When my aunt and uncle moved from their home on Gephart Church Road in Miamisburg, my parents purchased their home. I lived here until I got married and moved away from home.

I attended all twelve grades at Miamisburg Schools; graduating in 1965. Miamisburg has the distinction of being the 'only' Miamisburg in the world. Also, every year Miamisburg Alumni has a reunion for each graduating class!

Growing up, my Stamper grandparents lived on Long's Creek in Breathitt County. My grandparents were Pearl and Lydia Gilbert Stamper. During the late 50's / early 60's, my grandparents traded property with my Grandmother's brother, Berry Gilbert in Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana.

Wilson and Lena Wilder Adams were the next and last house on Hogan Hill where my grandparents lived. This is where I met my future husband. He had come to visit his brother, whom was home on leave from the Army. It was love at first sight!!

Larry (and an older brother) had been adopted out earlier in their lives ..... this in itself is 'another' story. He was adopted by William Crozier and Susan Napier Ferguson of Madison, Jefferson County, Indiana.

Shortly after we were married, I remember my mom making mention of his biological parents; and saying she had went to school with his biological mother; while my mother's sister went to school with his adoptive mother.

This past June 4, Larry and I have been married 42 years! And they said it wouldn't last ... :- )) We have three children ... Karen, Bill and Josh. We have five grandchildren and 'one on the way'. We live about half an hour from our daughter. Our son, Bill is in Japan for a few years; and Josh just moved back to Ohio.

More later ......