Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For your consideration

Are you fed up yet? Had enough of the government's hand in your pocket; and your life ... I do hope you will watch the clip with this posting. Please take a look and listen to the clips in the 'archives' .

Over the past few months, my daughter and I have continued to research and try to keep up with all the things that Congress (and others involved) have been sliding through; while we all could do nothing.

I used to think that the letter writing campaigns to our elected officials had an impact on the way they represented us. Not so! When Congress and the President will not even acknowledge that they have and are violating the Constitution ... do you think they are going to be swayed by a letter writing campaign. I think NOT!

If you are new to this area of research, you may find it beneficial to be aware of a 'givens' ...

Many, many of our Representatives, Congressmen and the media are members of the CFR, Trilateral and the Bilderberg group. Until I started my own research, I had never heard of these groups.

The CFR is 'Council on Foreign Relations'. The bottom line is that their main goal is 'one world government'. While reading the book, Financial Terrorism by John McManus; during the Clinton administration, there were close to 400 members of Congress; and the political body that were members of the CFR. The CFR has an extremely long list of members. Most of the 'mainstream' media are members. That is the main reason you will not hear the real news here. So as not to put words in anyone's mouth, I will say it ... Mainstream media is bought and paid for; as are the printed media.

Until I started to doing my own research, I had not even considered 'who' told Congress what to do. They are only puppets! Puppets controlled by the Federal Reserve System. The craziest part of all of this is that the Federal Reserve System is not even a government entity. They are a cartel, of sorts.

Well, I can feel my blood pressure rising ... so, I will continue this post after I get a few hours sleep and a meal.

Until then ... I encourage you to visit the website, ccc2009.us and learn about the Continental Congress 2009. It is winding down; as I speak. Naturally, you never heard anything about this on the local news or CNN or FOX!!

I will leave you with a chuckle! .. what is the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo? Bo has papers ... :- )) As you probably can guess, I am not an Obama supporter. I am not a supporter of the opposite party either. Their agenda is the same..... and it goes on and on and on ....

Continental Congress 2009